
With the recent collapse in real estate, and more specifically, housing prices, there is little reason for the average consumer to construct a new house of average quality when the over loaded market will provide a house for far less money than a new replacement cost would be.  There is belief that values will erode further, giving good reason to put off a purchase unless required to.

In contrast to this market condition, there is a strong growing movement among various philosophical groups looking for something different.  These groups include environmentalists, the simplification movement (whether voluntary or necessitated), autonomous housing, survivalists, doomers, preppers, peak oil, homesteaders, back to basics, back to the earth, and permaculture, to name a few.  While these philosophies have differences in core beliefs, as well as motivations, they share many of the same requirements as far as design and implementation in housing.  The core requirement for housing is the same for all of these philosophies; it is a desire to live with greater self-sufficiency.

The timing for implementing such a project may be unprecedented.  Land costs as well as the cost of labor have dropped.  Materials costs have not risen appreciably.  Interest rates are at very attractive levels.  Some people feel that the value of the dollar is set to erode at a much faster pace.

While there are a few builders trying to re-invent themselves as “green”, we have been building fine homes for several years implementing various aspects of sustainable construction.  Since this has been our focus, we have a group of professionals to call on for the various areas of expertise required for satisfying different philosophical requirements.  We also have the experience to bring the project together in a seamless and cost effective way.

Whether you are considering a new project to fit your philosophies, adapting your current residence, or taking advantage of current market conditions to purchase and convert an existing property, we have the unique ability to help you.

We have spent the last twenty years building in the Charlottesville and Richmond areas of Virginia.  Our projects include development and construction of small country estates and cottages, as well as the renovation and restoration of historic properties.  We have also constructed various single family residences, accessory buildings, additions, garages, barns, stables, greenhouses, apartment buildings and condominiums.

We combine exceptional design, site development, architectural detail, old world craftsmanship and energy efficiency into cost effective homes built for comfortable living.  Whether you are building a once in a life-time home or desire to downsize – but not downgrade, we offer the experience and attention to detail to make your dream become a reality.

To help you achieve the best possible outcome, we can be most effective if we are brought into the project in the early planning stages.  We welcome the discussion of your planned project and offer a free, private consultation.